Beginning final phase of treatment
Hello everyone, graduation is just a week away, i can't believe it! Today I finished my 10th aligner, and went to see Dr. Kammer for a check-up. Typically after you finish your Invisalign aligners you will need a couple more weeks of adjustmants to your teeth.
At the visit, he observed my progress and any areas that needed a little more movement. Using my 10th aligner, he used a tool that changed the shape of the aligner in order to move specific teeth. This only took a couple minutes.
Now I will wear my altered 10th aligner for another week and then come in again for a checkup. At the next visit they may make one or two more aligners to finalize my treatment.
Talk to you soon. I'd love to talk to more of you, please send me an e-mail. Cheers, J.